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Work from home X Ergonomics

Work from home X Ergonomics

Now that you are back in lockdown, you’re probably spending hours daily on Zoom calls, reading blogs, playing online games while looking at the screen in front of you without even realizing that this may lead to strains and other injuries related to posture and repetitive movement. Not to mention that electronics are magnets for dirt. The bacteria and viruses on your hands may end up on your smartphone, laptop gaming system, keyboards mice and more. Before you go into panic mode and start …
14th Jul 2021
How to Stay Productive and Healthy While Working From Home

How to Stay Productive and Healthy While Working From Home

With the spread of the COVID-19, it has affected a lot of things from international travel to everyone’s working conditions. There is a shift from offline to online, from an office setting to working remotely. While a lot of people have fantasized about working from the comforts of their own home, keep in mind that this setup can be a double-edged sword. Here’s how you can stay productive and healthy even when you’re not in the office. .blog-detail-custom .blog-post-body …
10th Oct 2020 Catherine