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Maximise EOFY Tax Deductions with Mega Office Supplies

Maximise EOFY Tax Deductions with Mega Office Supplies

Arm Yourself with Mega Office Supplies: Maximising Tax Deductions Before End Of Financial Year (EOFY) As the clock ticks steadily towards the end of the financial year (EOFY), many Australian businesses find themselves in the hustle and bustle of tax preparations. We at Mega Office Supplies, your trusted companion in the corporate world, urge you to leverage this crucial time to maximise your tax deductions. In the spirit of friendly competition, we'd like to enlighten you with some points you m …
17th May 2023 Mega Office Supplies
End of financial year is here, make sure you invest in your business!

End of financial year is here, make sure you invest in your business!

The end of the financial year is just under a month away which makes June the time to prioritise any capital investments in your business.The cost of new assets and equipment, as well as cash flow issues often prevent businesses from taking advantage of excellent buying opportunities and tax incentives. Spending money now can help generate returns later down the line, and tax incentives can reduce the cost of any capital investment in your business and alleviate cash flow issues.A range of incen …
9th Jun 2017 Martin