What is Office Tapes?
Transparent Office Tape- Commonly referred to as "Scotch tape" is one of the most commonly used tapes in the world. Used for a variety of applications, including sealing envelopes, repairing torn paper products, holding light objects together, etc. Drew develops the first waterproof, clear adhesive tape: Scotch® Cellulose Tape, later renamed Scotch® Transparent Tape.
Difference between Magic Tape and Transparent Tape
What's the difference between Scotch® Magic™ Tape and Transparent Tape? Transparent Tape has a glossy finish, while Scotch® Magic™ Tape is frosty on the roll, but invisible on paper making it perfect for writing on in pen or pencil. Transparent office tape is used for repairing torn paper products, sealing envelopes, general holding, etc. It is a transparent film of cellophane, cellulose, polypropylene, or other plastic, with an acrylic or synthetic rubber–based adhesive.
Why is It Called Invisible Tape?
Magic Tape, also known as Magic Transparent Tape, is a brand within the Scotch Tape family of adhesive tapes made by 3M, sold in distinctive plaid packaging. Invented and introduced in 1961, it is the original matte finish tape. It appears frosty on the roll, yet is invisible on paper.
Office tapes with Dispenser comes with double frame – most tape guns are designed to take a standard 50mm wide tape, but they are also manufactured for 75mm and 100mm wide tapes. A double frame holds the tape spindle at both ends so that the tape tension is even across its width.