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What is a Monitor Riser and Why Should You Use One? A Comprehensive Guide

What is a Monitor Riser and Why Should You Use One? A Comprehensive Guide

What is a Monitor Riser and Why Should You Use One? A Comprehensive Guide As more and more Australians spend their days sitting in front of a computer, the importance of ergonomic office setups is becoming increasingly evident. One important component of an ergonomic setup is a monitor riser, which can help alleviate neck and back pain, eye strain, and fatigue caused by poor posture and incorrect monitor positioning. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explain what a monitor riser is, the benefit …
6th Mar 2023 Mega Office Supplies
Unlock the Power of Plastic Binding Combs: How to Create Stunning Presentations and Reports

Unlock the Power of Plastic Binding Combs: How to Create Stunning Presentations and Reports

Plastic binding combs are an affordable and versatile solution for binding your documents, reports, proposals, and presentations. They offer a professional and polished look while allowing you to easily edit, add, or remove pages as needed. However, with so many sizes, colours, and styles available, it can be overwhelming to decide which plastic binding comb is the best fit for your specific requirements. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using plastic binding combs, the types of co …
27th Feb 2023 Martin
The Importance of Ergonomics in the Workplace

The Importance of Ergonomics in the Workplace

The perks of working on an ergonomic office are endless for both employers and employees. The most important benefits however are increasing productivity and reducing costs in addition to refining the quality of work. WHYERGONOMICS?The perks of working on an ergonomic office are endless for both employers and employees. The most important benefits however are increasing productivity and reducing costs in addition to refining the quality of work. WORKQUALITYThe performance of your employees …
16th Feb 2018 Martin
6 Ways to Bring your Children Back to School with Excitement

6 Ways to Bring your Children Back to School with Excitement

Getting your children back to school can be tricky after the holidays, don't worry though, here are 6 ways you can help your kids kick off the school year with excitement.1 - Be organised - Post it NotesHaving an organised work space is rule number one when it comes to studying. Choose from a variety of Post it sticky notes and colour your children's school days with this wide selection. Besides using them to highlight information and deadlines, they are great for motivational morning quotes!2 - …
5th Jan 2018 Martin